TExES Practice Tests & Exam Prep

For exams such as the TExES, it is important to find a reputable and up-to-date TExES practice test. Free online Texas teacher certification practice exams are available for both the content and pedagogy portions of the test. Many sources offer them, and it can be beneficial to take practice tests from different websites because they may have different versions of the same practice exam, just like the real exam does. A great resource for TeXES/ExCET practice test options is the official Texas Educator Certification Examination Program website, where test takers can access sample test questions for each test and study companions that go over each exam's content.

TExES content exam practice is important because the TExES tests determine the future of your career as a Texas educator. Practicing for the exams allows you to get a feel for what the exams will be like, as well as spot any weaknesses you may have. This will allow you to study more efficiently so that you can improve upon those possible weak areas before taking the real exam.

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Texas Teacher Certification Exam General Information

The TExES certification exams exist to ensure that future Texas educators have considerable knowledge in the subjects they wish to teach and the skills to be able to teach them. There are around 50 different exams for subjects taught in Texas schools and for the different grade levels. Nearly every exam candidate must take a pedagogy exam, which covers teaching skills and professional responsibilities, in addition to a content exam, which covers the actual subject(s) candidates wish to teach, and the grade levels it's taught in. All of the different exams can be found here, but a few of them include:

The TExES exams are scored on a scale of 100-300. The minimum TExES exam passing score is 240.

Taking the TExES Exams

The TExES exams are administered through a computer at an approved testing location. The length and format of each exam vary, but most exams will have selected-response (multiple choice) questions; others may instead or additionally have extended-response questions, which requires a written, original answer to the question. Some exams will have 100 questions while others will have 140; the number of questions depends on the exam. Candidates will have 5 hours to take each exam, which includes 15 minutes for a tutorial on how to take computer-administered tests. Depending on the exam, materials may be provided, such as an on-screen calculator, periodic table, or formulas and definitions for specific uses.

Registering for the exam(s) you need to take can be done on the official Texas Educator Certification Examination Program website by creating an account with Pearson, the facility that administers the tests. Additionally, you will need to create an account with the Texas Education Agency to create an educator profile and get an identification number, which will be used to register for the test. Registering for the exam and scheduling the exam can be done together or separately, but it's important to remember that registering does not equal scheduling and vice versa.

Registering for an exam is as simple as clicking 'Register' and selecting which exam(s) you are ready to take; exams must be taken within 170 days of registering. If you need alternative testing arrangements, include a notification that you are planning to request the arrangements when you register. TExES exam registration also requires some background questions to be answered and payment to be made. You can also choose how to receive your scores at this time. Next comes scheduling the exam; you can see which appointments are available in the locations nearest to you and schedule accordingly. If you are retaking an exam, you will have to follow the same registration process, but you will not need to create a new account. Tests can be retaken after 30 days.