I am wondering if there is a way to provide contacts with the option to unsubscribe from one email list but not all? I have unsubscribed from services in the past that had that feature, but I have yet to figure out if I can do that with Constant Contact.
We keep having people unsubscribe from our advertisement emails without realizing that it takes them off of everything, and now they can't get important information and updates!
If anyone knows if there is a way to offer options, any help would be much appreciated.
Administrator 09-28-2022 11:31 AMUsing the Update Profile system, you can include this as an alternative link in your email footer, which contacts can select to update their list membership, based on the lists you make viewable and editable. If multiple list options are available in your UP form, those options will also appear on the unsubscription confirmation page , as an alternative for contacts that click the unsub link in the footer.
Remember that not all lists need to be included in the UP / unsub setup. Contacts will only be able to manipulate their list membership for the ones you've explicitly selected to be available, viewable options. Contacts will simply see those available lists' names on the UP form / unsub confirmation page, and be able to decide if they'd prefer one of those.