Frequently Asked Questions

You can view and download many of your mortgage-related documents, such as you escrow statement through our homeowner website. Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Mortgage Assistance, and select the Available Documents tab. From the list displayed, click on the document of your choice to open, read, download, or print.

+ How can I access my Form 1098 or Form 1099?

Every year, we mail you paper copies of your Mortgage Interest Statement (Form 1098) and Non-Wage Income (Form 1099) no later than January 31.

These forms are also available through our website. To view or download your Form 1098 or 1099, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Statements and choose the 1098 Yearly or 1099 Yearly option.

After you’ve signed into your online account, you can also turn on Notifications so we can alert you by text when your Forms 1098 and 1099 are available online. Click the “down” arrow beside your profile icon and select My Profile from the pull-down menu. Then click on Contact Preferences and select Notifications to set up your notification preferences.

+ How can I request a document that I don't see in my list of available documents?

To request a document that isn’t shown in your list of available documents. Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Help, click on Contact Us, and choose Documents from the available options under What is your question about? In the Details field, provide a detailed description of the document you need and click Submit.

+ Are there downloadable forms on your website?

Yes. A variety of downloadable forms and worksheets are available on our website.

+ How can I view my billing statement?

Sign in to your account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Statements and then click on Monthly to view and download statements by month.

Account Help

+ How do I set up an account on your website?

It’s easy to register your online account. Enter your information, agree to terms, and click on Create Account. Then follow the on-screen prompts and instructions. For more help, use our step-by-step guide.

+ What is my username?

If you have forgotten your username, you can reset it with your email address.

+ Why does your system lock me out if I enter the wrong username or password several times?

To protect your privacy, our system locks your account if you try to sign in three times using the wrong username or password. You can reset your username or password by choosing Forgot your username or Forgot your password on the Sign in page. If you continue to have trouble signing in, call our Customer Care Team at 866-317-2347.

+ Why does my account login require a ten-digit loan number?

Our system is designed to handle millions of loans, but loan-number formats vary across the industry. If your loan number is only eight or nine digits, add one or two zeroes to the beginning of your loan number so you have a ten-digit number. That will ensure that our system recognizes your account.

+ Why do I need to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Setting up MFA will help us protect your account to ensure that you are the person who is logging in. Learn how to set up MFA in our step-by-step guide.

+ How can I view my billing statement?

Sign in to your account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Statements and click on Monthly to view and download statements by month.

+ How can I see my account history online?

Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Payments and click on Payment History to view all transactions.

+ How can I update the personal information in my account?

To update your personal information, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Next, click on the “down” arrow beside your profile icon and select My Profile. Here you can update any information (address, phone number, email address) that’s incorrect or incomplete. We encourage you to update your personal information whenever anything changes.

+ How do I add an authorized user to my account?

To add an authorized user to your Newrez account, you (the person named in your mortgage agreement) must make your request in writing.

To submit your request online, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Help, choose Customer Account from the available options under What is your question about? In the Details field, provide a detailed description of the person you want to add, including the person’s first name, last name, phone number, and mailing address. Also, explain the reason you want to add that person to your account. Then click submit.

+ How do I reset my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Once you log in to your online account at, click your name in the top right corner and choose User Settings. Under MFA Settings choose Reset Multi-Factor Authentication Settings.


+ What is an "escrow account?"

An escrow account is a type of savings (or “holding”) account that we manage for you. We deposit part of every mortgage payment you make into your escrow account. We do that to cover the estimated cost of your property taxes, homeowner’s insurance premiums, private mortgage insurance (PMI), and other fees (as permitted in your mortgage contract). When you have an escrow account, we pay those bills for you out of the funds in your account.

+ What is "escrow analysis"?

Because your taxes, insurance rates, and other fees can change, the amount you need to pay into your account can also change. To make sure you have enough money in your escrow account for us to pay your tax and insurance bills, we analyze your escrow at least annually. After our analysis, we tell you about the results in two ways: We send you a personalized video presentation (if we have your email address on file), followed by a detailed letter.

Your most recent escrow analysis is also available online to view or print. Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Mortgage Assistance and then click on Available Documents. Find the most recent document titled MG-Escrow-Analysis and click either the View button or the Download button.

+ When do you analyze my escrow account?

At least once a year. Our analysis schedule is based on the state in which your property is located (refer to the following table). We inform you about our analysis and any resulting changes in your mortgage payment in two ways: We send you a personalized video presentation (if we have your email address on file), followed by a detailed letter.

+ Why did my mortgage payment change?

Most changes in your payment amount are due to changes in your property taxes or your homeowner’s insurance premiums. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, your payment may have changed as a result of us recalculating your interest rate.

+ When do you notify me about changes in my escrow?

We analyze your escrow at least annually. After we finish our analysis, we mail you a detailed letter explaining the results and informing you about any change in your mortgage payment.

Also, if you’ve signed up for it, we email you a brief, personalized video explaining the results. If you’re not already getting escrow-related emails from us, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Next, click on the “down” arrow beside your profile icon and select My Profile from the pull-down menu. Click on Contact Preferences and select Notifications to let us know how to contact you.

+ When will I receive my escrow surplus check?

If you have an escrow surplus, we include your surplus check in the same envelope as your escrow analysis letter.

+ Can I remove my escrow account?

Possibly. You can ask us to remove your escrow account, but you need to do that in writing.

To make your request online, Sign in to your online account and click your loan number to go to your dashboard. Click on Help, click on Contact Us, and choose Escrow Payment and Analysis from the available options under What is your question about? In the Details field, provide a detailed description of why you want us to remove your escrow account and click Submit. We’ll review your request in light of your mortgage agreement and all applicable regulations, and we’ll respond to you within 30 days. Note: For some loans, an escrow account is required and cannot be removed.


+ Where can I find a list of all your fees?

You can find our current fees in our fee schedule.

+ What is an HOA fee?

A Homeowner’s Association (HOA) fee is charged to pay for the services and amenities that an HOA provides. This may include trash removal, security, maintenance, or amenities such as a clubhouse or swimming pool. The fee is typically charged monthly or yearly.

+ How is my HOA fee assessed?

HOA fees are split proportionally between homeowners in your community. The amount you pay is based on the percentage of property you own.

+ Why were my HOA fees paid by my mortgage company?

We paid your HOA fees because your fees are past due and your HOA placed a lien on your property. The most common way to remove the lien is to pay your HOA the full amount due. If you aren’t able to pay your HOA in full and/or remove the lien, you could be facing foreclosure.

Insurance Payments

+ How can I find out if you've paid my homeowner's insurance bill out of my escrow account?

Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Payments and then click on Payment History to view all transactions. Your insurance payment is a line item that says “Insurance Premium Disbursement” in the Description column. The “Escrow Amount” field to the right shows how much we paid out of your escrow account.

+ How can I view upcoming homeowner's insurance payments?

Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Statements and click on Taxes & Insurance. The insurance amount shown is an estimate based on what we paid for you last year. We won’t know the exact amount we need to pay until we get your latest bill.

Loss Mitigation

+ What is "loss mitigation"?

When you fall behind in your mortgage payments, you stand to lose a lot, including your home and your good credit score. To help you minimize (or “mitigate”) your losses and avoid foreclosure, we reach out to you with our “loss mitigation” process.

During loss mitigation, we assign a dedicated mortgage professional to serve as your personal single point of contact (SPOC). Your SPOC will work closely with you to evaluate your situation and identify every option available to you.

As part of our evaluation (also called a "workout"), we’ll explore alternative payment solutions. We’ll try to build a plan that enables you to make your payments and stay in your home.

Some of those options may include:

To learn more about your loss-mitigation options, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Mortgage Assistance.

+ I'm behind in my mortgage payments. What can I do to avoid foreclosure?

Depending on your unique situation—and with your lender's approval—there are various potential options available to you.

As part of our loss-mitigation evaluation (also called a "workout"), we’ll explore those options. We’ll try to build a plan that enables you to make your payments and stay in your home.

Some of your options may include:

To learn more about your loss-mitigation options, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Mortgage Assistance.

Depending on which option we may approve you for, you may need to send us certain documents. As part of your review, we’ll explain how to upload (electronically send) documents to us, as well as how to physically send paper documents if you need to.

Note: In most cases, we report your workout plan to the major consumer credit bureaus—which may affect your credit score.

+ What paperwork do I need to send you so I can get a loss-mitigation evaluation (also called a "workout")?

Here’s a list of the basic documents we need to take you through our loss mitigation process. Note: Depending on your specific situation, we may need other documents as well:

Don't wait until you have every document in hand before you start sending items to us—start by sending us what you have. Call our Customer Care Team at 866-317-2347 for instructions about uploading (electronically sending) documents to us.

After we receive your documents, we'll assign one of our trained mortgage professionals to you as your single point of contact (SPOC) during your loss-mitigation evaluation. Your SPOC will work closely with you to develop the best possible solution for you and your family.

+ How much do you charge for your loss-mitigation services?

Nothing. Our loss-mitigation services are free.

+ Do you need more information from me to finish my workout? I submitted documents, but I haven't heard back from anyone.

To get an update on the status of your workout, please call the SPOC (single point of contact) we assigned to you.

+ If I don't qualify for a loss-mitigation plan that lets me stay in my house, how can I afford foreclosure?

Depending on your unique situation, several options to avoid foreclosure may be available:

Ask the SPOC (single point of contact) we assigned you about which options are best for you.

+ You reported to the credit bureaus that I made a late payment. Why did you do that? How can I dispute that?

Most mortgage payments are due on the first day of each month (although some have other due dates). After your due date, we give you a 15-day grace period after that before we charge you a late fee. But if your payment arrives in our office after the last day of the month in which it was due, we notify the consumer credit bureaus that you made a late payment as stated in your mortgage contract.

We report late payments to the credit bureaus once a month, with one exception: When a loan transfers to us from another mortgage servicer, we wait until 60 days after the transfer before we begin reporting late payments.

If we reported your payment as late, but you have information (such as a bank statement) that shows we received your payment before the end of the month it was due, please mail us a copy of that information along with a written explanation. When we get your information, we’ll investigate further. You also have the right to ask us to provide documentation that verifies we made no error in servicing your loan. Send your requests and supporting information to:

PO Box 10826
Greenville, SC 29603

After your mortgage loan is originated, your account must be managed (or “serviced”) throughout the life of your loan. As your mortgage servicer, we perform several business functions on behalf of our clients (the companies that own the mortgages we service). Those functions include:

Mortgage Servicing

+ What is mortgage servicing?

After your mortgage loan is originated, your account must be managed (or “serviced”) throughout the life of your loan. As your mortgage servicer, we perform several business functions on behalf of our clients (the companies that own the mortgages we service). Those functions include:

+ Does your company own my mortgage?

No. We only service your loan account on behalf of the company that owns your mortgage.

+ Can I change mortgage servicers?

No. You can’t change mortgage servicers at will. The company that owns your mortgage decides which loan servicer manages the mortgage accounts they own. However, if you refinance your loan, it’s possible that your new lender may use a different company to service their loans.

+ Someone contacted me claiming to represent your company, but I think it might be a scam. What should I do?

Always be on the alert for scam artists who falsely claim to represent us. If you suspect that a call, email, text, or letter you’ve received is fraudulent, don’t give out any personal information. Instead, call us immediately at 866-317-2347.

Here are some tips to help you recognize when you’re dealing with a scammer:

Natural Disasters

+ I've been affected by a natural disaster. What do I need to do?

If you or your property have been affected by a natural disaster, here’s what you need to do:

Newly Transferred Loans

+ Why was my mortgage servicing transferred to you?

It’s common for mortgage lenders and investors to transfer mortgage loan servicing from one servicing company to another. Lenders are always looking for servicers that can provide better homeowner service, lower costs, and improved regulatory compliance—and we are among the best in the industry.

It’s also important to note that a servicing transfer does not change any of the terms of your mortgage agreement; the only difference is the company you send your payments to.

+ Will my autodraft information transfer to you from my previous servicer?

Yes, in most cases, if you previously paid your monthly payment by automatic withdrawal (autodraft) from your bank account, that information will transfer over to us automatically—provided that your previous loan servicer set it up correctly and properly transferred your information to us.

The “welcome letter” we mailed you tells you whether or not your autodraft information successfully transferred to us.

+ What do I need to do if I use an online bill-pay service to pay my mortgage?

Update the “payee” settings in your online bill-pay system: Enter the name of your new servicer (Newrez LLC) and the new loan number we gave you.

+ What should I do if I sent my latest payment to my previous loan servicer?

Nothing. Your previous servicer will forward your payment to us. Per government regulations, we don’t charge late fees or report late payments to the consumer credit agencies during the first 60 days after the transfer.


+ What is my mortgage payment made up of?

Your mortgage payment is made up of several parts:

To see the exact makeup of your mortgage payment, Sign in to your online account and click on your loan number to go to your dashboard. Then click on Loan Details.

For a detailed explanation of your mortgage payment, refer to this article.

To learn more about how your escrow account works, read this helpful article.

+ What are my payment options?

We offer a variety of payment methods, including: