Drug-Free Communities Notice of Funding Opportunity: Questions and Answers

The FAQs will be updated throughout the application process. Questions not yet addressed should be sent to DFC_NOFO@cdc.gov.

About the program

What is the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program?

The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program is the nation's leading effort to mobilize communities to prevent youth substance use. The program provides grant awards to over 700 community-based coalitions addressing youth substance use per year. For more information, visit Drug-Free Communities Support Program.

What is a DFC community coalition?

A community coalition is a community-based formal arrangement for cooperation and collaboration among 12 community groups, or sectors, defined in the DFC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO):

Each group retains its identity, but all agree to work together toward a common goal.

Application information

When will the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) be released?

The Notices of Funding Opportunity are released in January or February of each calendar year. Both New and Competing Continuation Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program NOFOs will be posted on Grants.gov .

Where and how do I submit an application?

All applications are submitted via Grants.gov . You can view instructions on how to get registered at Grants.gov on Register .

When are applications due?

Applications are due approximately 60 days after the NOFOs are published on grants.gov. We strongly encourage submitting applications early to ensure that your package meets all requirements and alleviate the potential for last-minute technical issues, as applications cannot be submitted after the deadline.

What is the difference between the New (Year 1) NOFO and the Competing Continuation (Year 6) NOFO?

There are two (2) NOFOs for the annual DFC funding:

Please note, current recipients in Years 2-5 and 7-10 should contact their Project Officer with questions about their ongoing funding.


What are the statutory eligibility requirements for the DFC Support Program?

Can a local government agency apply?

A local government agency is eligible to apply – either as a fiscal agent or as the coalition itself – if it satisfies all statutory requirements outlined in the NOFO.

Can a Native American Tribal Government or Native American Tribal Organization apply?

Yes, Native American Tribal Governments and Native American Tribal Organizations are eligible to apply – either as a fiscal agent or as the coalition itself – if it satisfies all statutory requirements outlined in the NOFO.

How can I check if my coalition overlaps with another? When is a Letter of Mutual Cooperation necessary?

What is a DFC Fiscal Agent?

A fiscal agent is an entity or organization with high-quality financial and management expertise that agrees to serve as the legal applicant for DFC funding when a community-based coalition is unable to apply on their own behalf.

The fiscal agent assumes all responsibility for the grant and the grant requirements providing timely reporting to allow CDC to monitor performance while the work is carried out and performed by the community-based coalition. The relationship with the coalition is established prior to application for funding through an MOU.

Who is eligible to serve as a fiscal agent?

Can a fiscal agent serve more than one coalition at a time?

An organization serving as a fiscal agent may only hold one DFC grant at a time and therefore cannot serve as a fiscal agent for more than one coalition at a time.

Can the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) and Program Director/Principal Investigator be contractors of the fiscal agent?

What key personnel am I required to have and what role should they fill? Can one person serve in multiple roles at a time?

At a minimum, the following key personnel are required:

Do the statutory requirements outline in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) apply to tribes and/or tribal organizations?

Yes, they are required to adhere to the same statutory requirements. Any interested groups are encouraged to contact DFC_NOFO@cdc.gov to address questions specific to their community.

For tribal applicants to meet the statutory eligibility requirements of the DFC NOFOs, the following exceptions apply:

Applicants that include a representative with expertise in the field of substance use from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Indian Health Service, or a tribal government agency and that are serving a tribal community can use additional federal funding as match.

For the 12 required sectors, appropriate sector representatives can be substituted. For example:

Program requirements

Who qualifies as a sector representative? Can one individual represent two or more sectors?

The community coalition must have representation from the 12 sectors identified in thestatutory requirements. Those sectors are:

Please refer to the Community Coalition section of the NOFO(s) for full definitions of sector representatives.

An individual can serve as a representative in only one sector category. The coalition determines who is the best fit for each sector. Sector representatives should represent the "movers and shakers" of a community such as community volunteers that are engaging on a regular basis with coalitions to help drive impactful work. An individual can serve as a representative in only one sector category. The coalition determines who is the best fit for each sector. Sector representatives should represent the "movers and shakers" of a community such as community volunteers that are engaging on a regular basis with coalitions to help drive impactful work. In the Coalition Involvement Agreement (CIA), applicants will list the sector being represented, the individual's name, and a rationale for why they were identified to represent a specific sector.

Can we focus on preventing more than one type of substance use?

Yes, The DFC Program requires applicants to address at least two substances but may address more than two. These substances include but are not limited to narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, inhalants, marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco.

How can I address health disparities/health equity in my application?

Your organization has insight into your community's unique culture and context and should address health disparities based on the needs of your community. You will need to describe and define the population you intend to work with and your rationale for selecting that group for your work. We encourage you to reference how the CDC defines the topics of health equity and disparities at What is Health Equity?

Budget and match

What amount of funding is available for this application cycle?

What is considered in-kind support that can be used as matching funds?

Some forms of in-kind support can be used to count towards matching funds. In-kind support includes the value of goods and services donated to the operation of the DFC coalition, including but not limited to office space, volunteer secretarial services, pro bono accounting services, and other volunteer services to support the coalition’s work. In-kind support may also include training programs sponsored by other coalitions or partners for the community.

What are cost matching requirements for this grant?

Applicants in Years 1 – 6 are required to have 100 percent match (1:1) of funds from non-federal sources. For those in Year 7 and Year 8 of the DFC program, the required percentage of matching funds increases to 125%. For Year 9 and 10 DFC recipients, the percentage of matching funds increases to 150%.

Can I use opioid settlement funding to satisfy match requirements?

Yes, per the Code of Federal Regulation, 45 CFR 75.306(b)(5), the use of opioid settlement funds specifically to satisfy the match requirement under the DFC program appears allowable as it meets the criteria of “not paid by the Federal Government under another federal award.” (Note: this use of the funds is subject to state, local, or other provisions that apply to these funds).

Can matching funds be a combination of nonfederal funding and in-kind donations?

Yes, they can be a combination of both. You cannot use federal funds in your match. Refer to the Cost and Sharing section of the NOFO for additional information.

What is the maximum amount of the total grant funding that can cover personnel salary?

Personnel salaries are determined at the discretion of the coalition. The DFC Program expects your coalition to be a responsible steward of the award finances to improve outcomes in your community.

What should I include in the budget narrative?

Please refer to Budget Preparation Guidelines for additional context on permissible items to include in your budget narrative.

What are the rules around indirect costs?


Who can I contact if I have questions about Grants.gov functionality or need assistance submitting my application (i.e., creating an account, uploading attachments, etc.)?

Please contact the Grants.gov Help Center at support@grants.gov or 1-800-518-4726 for assistance with Grants.gov access and functionality.

What if I still have questions that have not been addressed?

Where can I view the Informational Applicant Webinar recordings?

Please visit The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program to view webinar recordings and to access other materials.

Who do I contact if I want to serve as a grant reviewer?

Please contact DFC_NOFO@cdc.gov indicating your interest and attach your resume to your email. The Recruitment Team will reach back out with further details.

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